Sodium + Hydration

I want to talk about salt + hydration. I understand that it’s hard to hear new information that goes against everything you’ve been told for years now. I’ve heard so many people say salt is bad, they stay away from it, they worry about their intake, they don’t salt their food, etc. There is a huge misconception when it comes to sodium. Firstly, sodium is a macromineral in which our bodies need large amounts of to function properly. Actually, too little sodium can cause problems. Macrominerals are minerals we need in larger amounts: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, etc. Microminerals are minerals we need in trace amounts only: copper, zinc, iron, selenium, boron, etc. Electrolytes(minerals) help to maintain fluid balance, regulate blood pressure, provide structural and functional support, regulate tissue growth and more.

Yes, excess sodium can cause water retention and dehydration. BUT, it’s not because salt is bad or that your body doesn’t need it. It’s typically due to the mineral imbalances and the quality of salt you’re consuming. Your body needs sodium along with potassium and magnesium to balance everything out so you can properly hydrate. It’s also typically an issue because people are consuming excess amounts of table salt found in packaged products, deli meat, restaurant food, etc. Table salt is stripped of minerals and usually has anti-caking agents added to it and is often bleached as well.

Water depends on electrolytes to properly absorb in the body, which is why minerals are such an important part of hydrating. I know it might sound crazy to add salt in your water, because people are thinking…I am trying to hydrate, not get dehydrated. When it comes to health, things are complex and there’s so much that goes into it. It varies a bit per person as well. Some have a higher risk of dehydration: people who work outdoors (excessive heat), athletes (especially runners and soccer players), those with chronic conditions, older adults, etc.

I typically add electrolytes or unrefined sea salt in my water every day, especially after a hike or workout. I use Redmond Re-Lyte (my favorite), but I also love the brand LMNT. Always check ingredients. Or you can simply add some sea salt into water with fresh citrus. I like Redmond real salt brand.


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