What is an NTP?

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am trained to help clients heal through nutritional and lifestyle adjustments. Our bodies are truly amazing, and given the right tools, they are designed to thrive. A lot of symptoms you hear about today are common, but they are not normal. Some things an NTP can assist with: inflammation, hormonal imbalances, skin issues, mood/anxiety concerns, sleep issues, weight management, brain fog, digestive issues, fatigue, etc. With a food first approach, additional supplementation (when needed), and some light lifestyle recommendations, we focus on your bio-individual needs. This is not a one size fits all. We consider different variables such as age, genetics, specific goals, etc. We address the foundations of health (nutrient-dense diet, digestion, blood sugar regulation, fatty acids, minerals + hydration) to get the body back into balance and functioning properly.

There are so many things that are important for overall health, so we also give attention to stress, sleep and movement. These things are big contributors to how well you are feeling and how your body is functioning. This is not a quick fix. It takes some time to make the right adjustments and allow our bodies to get back to optimal health. We help to create long-lasting changes so you can live life feeling your absolute best!


Sodium + Hydration


Vitamin D